The Teacher- Coaching Program

The Teacher- Coaching Program

is designed for schools seeking to provide more support for their teachers and strengthen their birth to 6 programs. This program offers weekly coaching in-person and online. For more details, please contact us at [email protected].

The Montessori Nanny

This program is designed to equip Nannies with the knowledge and skills to become Prepared and Sensitive Caregivers using the Montessori educational philosophy. The first 4 weekend course covers ways to support the young child’s independence and autonomy in all areas of learning such as establishing a sleep routine, feeding, and toileting.


Our Montessori Prepared Nanny Program includes:

The Prepared Montessori Nanny

Nannies Application
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TODDLER - Montessori Environment
9:30 - 11:00 AM

INFANT- Montessori Environment
11:30 - 12:30 AM